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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Running Cars With Water

Running cars with water is not science fiction! The fact that anyone can now buy a conversion kit that allows you to run a car on water is a reality. It is also a fact that learning to use water as fuel will not harm your car, but instead, will actually increase it's performance and reduce harmful emissions. A water run car will not only be of benefit against high gas prices it will also enhance the environment.

While you can't actually run a car 100% on water, a conversion kit will generate HHO gas, or Brown's gas as a supplement to the gasoline you use. This technology has been around for over 15 years, but has become widely available with the recent rise in oil and gas prices.

So, what's the first step? How can the average Joe run a car on water? I suppose the first thing you will need are instructions, or a blueprint, if you will. You can find several by simply typing in run a car on water in your favorite search engine. The most popular among these is one called Water4Gas. It is also a tad bit more expensive, but the instructions are spelled out in crystal clear detail. There are many others available ranging in price from around $40 to upwards of $200. Don't make the mistake of thinking a higher price means a better product. You will get very good instructions and terrific support from kits priced in the $50 to $100 range. All are safe for any car or truck and most feature 100% money back guarantees.

After you get your kit you will need a few things from the hardware or auto parts store. A little vacuum hose, some wire and a container such as a quart jar to name a few. Total expense on all the necessary parts will be less than $50.

From there you will simply follow the illustrated instructions and "presto!"...you've made your own hybrid! Many users report an increase in mileage of up to 200%. The average increase is about 40 to 50% With the ridiculously high gas prices today of around $3.60 per gallon even a modest increase of 40% will generate quite a savings.

Running cars with water is indeed a reality. Now, for about the price of a tank of gasoline, anyone can safely convert their own car to run on water. Science fiction has finally materialized in the twenty first century!

If you are fed up with high gas prices visit my blog at http://www.drivecheap.blogspot.com It's time we all do something on our own to fight the pain at the pump.

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